

What Causes Car Engine Too Hot ( Overheating ) ?

Posted by Unknown on Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Machine works generate mechanical energy and heat . This mechanical energy moving engine components thereby increasing the heat generated machine .The machine consists of a variety of engine components and supporting components that have different resistance to heat . Therefore, the engine temperature must be maintained at a certain level to keep the engine parts and other components from being damaged .Car engines have a mechanism to maintain the temperature of the engine by removing the engine heat out ( to the environment ) . If the mechanism for maintaining the temperature of the machine is not functioning properly , then the machine will be too hot ( overheating ) which is very harmful to the engine . There are several common causes of overheating .
1 . damage ThermostatsThe thermostat is a switch that works based on the temperature level . If the engine temperature is too high this switch will open the coolant flow valve ( coolant ) from the radiator . This cooling will take the heat ( heat ) from the machine and throw it out the machine . If the thermostat is faulty valve in the closed position then there is no flow of hot engine coolant to take the engine temperature rises.
2 . Damage to Radiator Water PumpWater cooler ( radiator water ) flows through the engine using a water pump . If the pump is not working , then there is no flow of coolant into the engine to remove heat engine . This will make the engine temperature to rise.
3 . Radiator Not Optimal FunctioningThe radiator is a cooling water reservoir tank where the heat extracted from discarded machines through the radiator fins . If the flow in the radiator or heat transfer jammed in the radiator is not optimal due to rust or scale , then the engine temperature will rise .
4 . Radiator Fan Not WorkingServes as a radiator fan blower for the radiator fins to dissipate heat by convection radiator . If the fan is spinning too slowly die or the hot exhaust air to the outside is not effective , so the engine temperature rises.
5 . Water Radiator LessCalculated volume of cooling water as needed to remove heat radiator with a certain capacity . If the cooling water is less ( due to leaking or other reasons ) the less heat that can be drawn from the engine to the radiator dumped , so the engine temperature to rise.
6 . Radiator cap DamagedAside from being the stopper cover , radiator cap functions as a cooling system pressure regulator . At high pressure , the cooling water boils at a high temperature as well . If Close radiator can not maintain high pressure , the cooling water will boil . This leads to reduced heat transfer capability can reduce the cooling water and cooling water .
7 . Engine Oil LessThe oil acts as a lubricant that reduces friction between moving engine parts . If the engine oil is less ( due to leaking or other reasons ) it will increase the friction between moving engine components thereby increasing the temperature of the engine .
8 . damage machineIf there are moving parts damaged or deformed ( change in shape ) , he can make friction with other components that generate additional heat rough on the machine . This effect is similar to the effect of less engine oil could be even more severe .
9 . Working Too Heavy Machinery ( overworking )If the car through the streets carrying heavy loads uphill or pulling other vehicles are much heavier than the weight of the car towing , the engine RPM will be very high . The more weight , the more work the engine heat from the machine . Engine cooling system is designed to work on a normal RPM range so it can not withstand the temperature rise in the machine if the machine is working too hard.
10 . Stuck In Air Conditioning SystemsIf there is air trapped in the cooling system , the air will hinder the heat transfer from the cooling water to the engine components . This leads to ineffective cooling system dissipates heat engine , causing the engine temperature to rise.

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