

Check the cooling system of your car on a regular basis

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, March 6, 2014

To avoid overheating in your car , need a car cooling system maintenance is done periodically
The cooling system is one of the components that need to be checked regularly in the work of a tune up , because if it does not work perfectly will cause the air temperature is high , causing the car overheating . What should be checked on the cooling system :

1 . Check the cooling water system

• Consider whether the water level in the radiator enough or less . Check the water level in the reservoir tank ( reserve tank ) .

• Consider whether the water in the reserve tank runs out in two or three days . If yes , there may be a leak sealer from damage , rupture of the radiator hose , or a leaking water pump .

2 . Check the cooling water

• Pay attention to the quality of the cooling water . Do it when the car engine in cold conditions .

• Good condition of cooling water is clean , no rust yellow because dirt / oil mixtures and other impurities . Cooling water in a dirty state should be discarded .

• If the cooling water is found mixed with oil it indicates no such damage occurring cracks in the cylinder head , ported heads damaged or corrosion on the cylinder head . In such circumstances usually be high engine temperature .

3 . Check for leaks in the cooling system

• Damage to the radiator could be the loss or absence of lead connector holes on the radiator pipe that will cause water droplets

• Leaks in the cooling system can be caused also by the radiator hose is not installed properly because the clamps are loose or faulty water pump

• In the event of extremely high engine temperatures rise suddenly it was caused by a water plug / stopper is broken . It could also kareba damaged thermostat .

• Check also whether there is a damaged radiator cap rubber sealernya or spigot . Because if it is damaged , it can cause the water quickly drains the radiator so the heat can damage the engine temperature .

. Check the water pump coolant leakages .

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